About Us
BlüBerri by PürHealth Technologies is on a mission to provide our customers with safer and healthier spaces without the use of harsh or toxic chemicals. We focus on solutions that use UltraViolet light to destroy the ability of viruses and bacterias to spread and cause infection.
UV technology is scientifically proven to be effective, cost efficient, and safe for the environment. BlüBerri delivers smart UV disinfection products which reduce the risk of pathogenic transmission where you live, work, play and travel.
People are careful with what they eat and drink, but ignore the quality of one of the most vital actions we do roughly 22,000 times a day; Breathing.
The BlüBerri Personal Air Purifier can make your air safer to breathe, wherever you go.
We truly believe that the world can be made a safer place for everyone through the application of UV disinfection technology. Help us bring awareness to the quality of the air we breathe.